I've been a fry cook, a carpenter, a newspaper editor, a technical writer, a web developer, and many other things. I'm an early-forties American man. I spent nearly twenty years as a Norse pagan (and was even a Chieftain) before I died, had a jarring near-death experience, woke from a brief coma with brain damage, and returned to Christianity by reading the Bible for myself. I've had a fairly "exciting" life in which I've done a lot of things and met a lot of people. The brain damage, unfortunately, disabled me to the point of being "unemployable"...so rather than give up, I'm using my gift for writing to attempt to make a living. Thank you for visiting my author's site. I greatly appreciate any patronage you can afford, and I hope you enjoy my books.
- Technical and Operations Lead for DDI of the Utah Medicaid web site (https://medicaid.utah.gov/) Platform/CMS: Red Hat Linux/Apache 2.26/MySQL/Drupal 7
- Technical and Operations Lead for DDI of the Louisiana Medicaid web site (http://prism.la.gov/ - no longer active) Platform/CMS: Windows Server 2008 R2/IIS 7.5/SQL Server 2008 R2/SharePoint Server 2010, Enterprise
- Responsible for all documentation deliverables
- User support for Drupal and SharePoint issues, including Helpdesk, user adoption, and training
- Manage document life cycle from planning to delivery, including development of document templates, tracking progress of deliverables, and communicating milestones to project team and management
- Proofread, edit, and polish documents with regard to grammar, spelling, format, and style
- Design, development, and administration for all Office of Behavioral Health SharePoint 2010 Portals
- Managed content and conducted training and user support for SharePoint sites
- Technical writing related to SharePoint solution documentation and business intelligence
- Learning Management System Administrator (Essential Learning)
- Business Intelligence analysis and technical writing
- SharePoint 2007 Content Manager and Administrator for the Office of Behavioral Health
- Project management
- Foreman/Supervisor
- Bid walk through, design and technical documentation of architectural solutions
- Proposal development
- Materials acquisition
- Quality management
- Contractor management
Injured during Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, SC
Reporting, Writing, Editing, Photography, Graphic Design, Proof, Story leads and assignment for the Lifestyles section (weekly news)
Copyright © 2020 Daryl J. Koerth - All Rights Reserved.